Fonts and Colors

To start theming your new Provus subtheme, we highly recommend adjusting some or all of the pre-set variables.

Start by navigating to scss/global/_variables.scss in your subtheme directory.

At the very top of this file is an import for customizing the web font. Change the URL to web font you plan to use, or write CSS to bring in your own locally hosted fonts.

// Fonts
@import url(',200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900&display=swap');


After you have brought in the fonts you wish to use, adjust the variables for the body and heading font families.

// Body Font Family
$font-body: 'Inter', sans-serif;

// Heading Font Family
$font-heading: 'Inter', sans-serif;


Next, adjust your main color variables. This would include your primary, secondary, and background colors ( along with the light versions of each ).

// Primary Colors.
$primary: #2563EB;
$primary-hover: #114CAE;
$primary-contrast: #ffffff;
$primary-accent: #1C2B54;

// Secondary Colors.
$secondary: #00869E;
$secondary-hover: #045F70;
$secondary-contrast: #404758;
$secondary-accent: #5BCDE2;

// Background Colors.
$background-white: #ffffff;
$background-light: #FBFBFC;
$background-grey: #D6D6D6;
$background-lightblue: #EFF6FF;
$background-lightteal: #E7F6F9;
$background-gradient: linear-gradient(45deg, #2BAEC6, #094FC2);

After that, adjust the hex variables for text colors, body colors, accent colors, and any of the other color variables included in the Provus subtheme as needed.

// Text.
$text-primary: #2C2E30;
$text-secondary: #646F79;
$text-contrast: #FFFFFF;
$text-hint: #747474;
$body-color: #2C2E30;

// Accent.
$accent-light: $secondary-accent;
$accent-dark: $secondary-contrast;

// System/Alert Colors.
$success-light: #D1FAE5;
$success-primary: #258750;
$success-medium: #007038;
$success-contrast: #024825;
$error-light: #FEE2E2;
$error-primary: #D83A52;
$error-medium: #B63546;
$heading-color: #1d2b36;

// Base Font Size
$font-size-base: 1rem;

// Border Radius for Cards
$card-border-radius: .25rem;

// Card Padding
$card-spacing: 1.25rem;

// Card Border Colors
$card-border-color: #ddd;

// Site Background Color
$body-bg: #fff;

// Main Text Color
$body-color: #2C2E30;

// Text Primary Color
$text-primary: #2C2E30;

// Text Secondary Color
$text-secondary: #646F79;

// Text Contrast Color
$text-contrast: #FFFFFF;

// HR Color
$hr-color: #2C2E30;

// Border Color
$border-color: #C2D1D9;

Always remember to save your edits and compile your Sass files using Grunt or Gulp and clear caches for the changes to render on your site.

Last updated

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